  1. 2 Deep Wind

From the recording Becoming

Deep Wind is an impassioned lament for our current human malaise, and at the same time a prayer for deliverance from it. Originally it was my attempt at a ‘Covid song’ but it wound up being about more than just the pandemic. In the larger frame it observes our collective isolation - and sometimes desperation - in a society which appears to be so 'connected' via the technology we've so eagerly and blindly foisted upon ourselves.


Deep Wind

‘lonely’ cries the sky
‘fire’ screams the earth
living in this death-dream
spreading, getting worse
reach out through the rain
a few of them still remain
starving for salvation, but
all the lines are down
sparks on the ground
is anybody near me?
signal's out, connection's cut
sweet Jesus can you hear me?

deep wind, come to me
deep wind, breathe through me
send your healing tempest to
this silly human show
deep wind, where are you?
deep wind, how far you are from us
from dust to dust
I've nowhere else to go, oh
deep wind...

prisoned behind the glass,
concrete and cold steel
lost, forsaken castaways
too numb to feel
desperate for the touch
we're missing it so much
I feel like crashing into someone
just to see if they can feel hurt like me
just dying for some contact
I'll take the pain, but just the same
I want my little blue world back

deep wind, come to me
deep wind, breathe through me
bring your stormy tempest
heal these silly human souls
deep wind, where are you?
deep wind, how far you are from us
from dust to dust
there's nowhere else to go
nowhere to go
deep wind...

oh…for a moment of peace
of spells from angry men released
no more hypnotized, no more living their Big Lies

from the dazzling darkness
we shall all
we shall all arise...

Captain Trips has laid to waste
our final, fatal fates
forgive us, for we know not what we do
come, sweet wind...

deep wind,
deep wind, forgive us
lay your tender mercies on
this silly human show
deep wind…
deep wind, how far you are from us
from dust to dust
we've nowhere else to go
nowhere to go

come, sweet wind
deep wind