The Exquisite Now

George Wallace

A Special Mention from the Artist: While I love ALL my 'children', this album 'The Exquisite Now' happens to be my personal favorite of all my 'ambient' works.

Wondrous, cinematic soundworlds and tone poems, woven with inspired combinations of orchestral and acoustic instruments, electronica, and sounds from the natural world.

The tracks are

A Special Mention from the Artist: While I love ALL my 'children', this album 'The Exquisite Now' happens to be my personal favorite of all my 'ambient' works.

Wondrous, cinematic soundworlds and tone poems, woven with inspired combinations of orchestral and acoustic instruments, electronica, and sounds from the natural world.

The tracks are presented as a series of ‘conversations’ between and among the instruments. It’s rather similar to how symphonies are put together – not featuring one instrument or one section for very long – but more about the ‘ensemble’, all together, over several movements.

Please note that in purchasing the entire album (as opposed to just a few cuts) you will hear the crossfades that occur between some of the tracks. In this way you may experience the album with an enhanced sense of continuity.

Peace & Blessings, G W

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