Etherica Blue

George Wallace

Etherica Blue: Dreamy, Melodic Delights that Sing to the Heart and Soul

A rich, dream-soaked tapestry of musical inspiration,, woven with spiritual undertones and ambient-laced combinations of orchestral and acoustic instruments, sensual grooves, electronica, and sounds from the natural world.

P r o d u c e d b y G e o r g e W a l l a c e


Etherica Blue: Dreamy, Melodic Delights that Sing to the Heart and Soul

A rich, dream-soaked tapestry of musical inspiration,, woven with spiritual undertones and ambient-laced combinations of orchestral and acoustic instruments, sensual grooves, electronica, and sounds from the natural world.

P r o d u c e d b y G e o r g e W a l l a c e

All compositions written by George Wallace Published by Celestial Songs (ASCAP) © 2024 Recorded and mixed at AirBorn Recording Lancaster, PA USA, at various times throughout 2023 and 2024 Mastered by Robert Rich for Soundscape Productions Carmel, CA

Graphics, processing, and layout by Marti Early for Early Designs Photography by George Wallace

I sincerely hope you enjoy the experience of Etherica Blue, and that it touches you in some profound way. It has turned out to be one of the most “perfect” albums of all I have produced -and contains some of the prettiest music I have ever imagined. George Wallace March 2024

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